Ways to tell if you have a haunting.


 This list will help you but it may not be limited to these alone.  A true haunting happens even during the day time. The only reason we think its at night is because that's when we become more relaxed and open to the activity.


1.) Feeling cold spots in your area that seems to be independent. It doesn't seem to follow logic and tends to move.


2.) Hearing disembodied voices. Hearing someone talking and your not sure where it's coming from.


3.) Seeing figures move independently. Seeing shadows move that are not attached to anything.


4.) Feelings of being watched all the time.


5.) Seeing electrical things and battery operated things turn on that have no reason to.


6.) Seeing things move on their own. This could even mean seeing items disappear and reappear.


7.) Hearing footsteps.


8.) Becoming sick and tired all the time along and becoming more irritable.


9.) Getting sick very easily and feeling as if you have no energy.


10.) Feeling as if someone is there with you.


11.) Hearing things move on their own.


12.) Pets acting odd. Hissing, barking or just staring off into space. Pets are very sensitive and can see and hear things that we may not. They may be seeing something we can't. Seeing pets in rooms they are not to be in. Entities like to get them in trouble because it creates chaos.


13.) Having allot of chaos in the house. People becoming more angry and upset over little things in life.


14.) It seems to all start after you:

      A: Started renovating. Sometimes if it's their home they like things to stay the same as they were when they were still alive.

      B: After going to the bar. Lots of entities like to hang out there  since that's where a lot of people dump all their problems. Not only that but if they share an addiction with you they may attach themselves to you and come home with you. Stay safe and protect yourself if you must go out.

     C: After you came back from a place that held many people. They are attracted to these areas because they tend to be emotional dumping grounds, ( Malls, Movie Theaters, Bars, and an other place with a lot of emotional people)


15.) If your child seems to talk to someone that isn't physically there in a way that makes it seem like a real person, look into it. Ask questions about them.


16.) Trust your feelings. If you truly feel you have a haunting you possibly do.



Paranormal Definitions

Apparition- A spirit/ghost that manifests enough energy to appear in what appears to be a human form with a body or shape to it.

Apport- An object that seems to appear out of nowhere with no reasonable explanation as to where it came from.

Automatic Writing- The ability to write messages or text without consciously being aware of what is being written. Often times automatic writing is done with assistance from spirits, spirit guides, Angels and other spirit beings.

Channeling- Receiving messages from sprit beings on the other side. Channeling can also involve going into a trance state where the spirit can use the channeler's body, voice, etc.. There are semi and full trance states.

Clairaudience- Receiving both spirit and non-spirit related messages through hearing sounds and/or voices.

Clairvoyance- Receiving messages through visions/images. Some people also receive messages while holding objects or touching them with their hands- also known as psychometry.

Clairsentience- The term used for receiving general and or spirit messages through feeling or clear thought/knowing.

Cold spot is a term used to describe an unexplained area of localized coldness, or sudden drops in temperature, that are said to be the result of paranormal activity.

Crisis Apparition-When a person is seen in apparition form either before, during or after an event such as an illness, tragic event or death.

Demonic Possession- When an evil spirit takes over a person. Demonic possessions can also come in the form of demonic hauntings, where the evil spirit might haunt or take over a house or building.

Ectoplasm- Appearing at times to look like mist or smoke, ectoplasm can be seen coming from people who channel spirits and it also appears often in pictures. Ectoplasm can form shapes as well.

EMF Detector(Electromagnetic Field)- Used by paranormal investigators to pick up on electromagnet fields. Ghosts are believed to use electromagnetic energy to make sounds, move objects or appear in apparition form.

EVP- (Electromagnetic Voice Phenomena)- The ability to pick up spirit voices on electrical devices such as tape recorders, answering machines, tvs and other electrical devices.

Empathy- The ability to feel another persons emotions such as happiness, pain, illness, etc..

Exorcism- A religious ceremony or ritual that is used to drive out evil spirits that are possessing someone.

ESP- (Extra Sensory Perception)- The ability to use one's "sixth sense" to pick up on information about people or events.

Ghost- Term used most often to describe the appearance/presence of a person who is no longer living.

Guide- Also known as spirit guide or spiritual guide. Spirit guides assist people on their spiritual journeys and on a daily basis as well.

Haunting- This is a term used to describe spirit/ghost activity at a location such as moving objects, unexplained sounds, apparitions and other paranormal events that take place at a particular location for extended periods of time.

Medium- (Spirit Communicator). Someone who can communicate with spirits and receive/pass on messages from spirits to those who are still alive.

Orb- Often seen on pictures or video, orbs are believed by some to be energy and by others to be spirit beings who have manifested in orb form. Orbs are typically round when seen on video or film.

Paranormal- Used to describe things that do not appear to have 'normal' explanations or scientific proof.

Thermal Camera- A camera that shows cold/hot spots coming off people or objects.

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